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Soutien du chagrin
Christopher Viggiano
Né àNew Jersey
24 years
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L'arbre Généalogique
Christopher's life was cut short, But know that he lived a full life ( Baby, Child, Teenager, Man, Father ). He did what most of us fail to do with our lives.. LIVE IT TOO IT FULLEST.Dad

This memorial website was created to remember our dearest Christopher Viggiano who was born in New Jersey on August 4, 1986 and passed away on April 3, 2011. You will live forever in our memories and hearts. You will be forever known to this world as a beloved son, brother, father and friend to all that cherish every memory you have ever left us with. AND KNOW  THAT NO ONE WILL EVER REPLACE YOU....
Galerie rapide
Pop-pop, Nanna, Dawn, Christopher Dawn, Christopher and Cayden Dawn, Christopher and Cayden Dawn, Christopher and Cayden Dawn, Christopher and Cayden Friends Forever Uncle B.J and Chris Freinds The Whole Gang Marie, Mikey, Christopher Nanna, Pop-pop, Cayden, Christopher Dad, Mikey, Christopher Dad, Mom, Marie, Mikey, Christopher Pop-pop, Cayden, Christopher